Nottingham > Publications > Surface Acoustic Waves


Below gives a selected list of the publications from Professor Glen McHale, Dr Mike Newton, Dr Neil Shirtcliffe and colleagues in Nottingham Trent University. Postprints of some papers are available by clicking on the links provided. Users who are registered with the American Chemical Society (ACS registration is free) can click on the "Via ACS Server" links and logon to obtain a free copy of the article.

Complete list | Superhydrophobicity & Superspreading | Lichens, Plastrons & Soil | Interfacial Slip & Drag Reduction | Liquid Marbles, EWOD & DEP | Wetting & Spreading | Surface Acoustic Waves | Quartz Crystal Microbalances | Selected Others

F. F. Ouali, N. Doy, G. McHale, C. Hardacre, R. Ge, R.W.K. Allen, J.M. MacInnes and M.I. Newton,
Determination of the physical properties of room temperature ionic liquids using a Love wave device,
Anal. Chem. 83 (17) (2011) 6717-6721. Via ACS server

F. Bender, P. Roach, A. Tsortos, G. Papadakis, M. I. Newton, G. McHale and E. Gizeli,
Development of a combined surface plasmon resonance/surface acoustic wave device for the characterization of biomolecules,
Meas. Sci. Technol. (Invited article) 20 (12) (2009) art. 124011. View postprint pdf

M.I. Newton, P. Roach P and G. McHale,
ST quartz acoustic wave sensors with sectional guiding layers,
Sensors 8 (7) (2008) 4384-4391. View article pdf

P. Roach, S. Atherton, N. Doy, G. McHale and M. I. Newton,
SU-8 guiding layer for Love wave devices,
Sensors 7 (11) (2007) 2539-2547. View article pdf

S.M. Stanley, I.A. Dodi, C.R. Evans, S.J. Paston, R.C. Rees, C.J. Percival, G. McHale and M.I. Newton,
Layer Guided-Acoustic Plate Mode biosensors for monitoring MHC-peptide interactions,
Analyst 131 (8) (2006) 892-894. View abstract

S.M. Stanley, G. McHale, M.I. Newton, C.J. Percival and C.R. Evans,
An EP-SAW for measurements of particulate matter in ambient air,
NDT & E 20 (1) (2005) 3-7. View abstract

G. McHale, M.I. Newton, C.J. Percival and S.M. Stanley,
A SAW oscillator for monitoring particulate matter in air,
NDT & E 20 (4) (2005) 231-235. View abstract

F. Martin, M.I. Newton, G. McHale, K.A. Melzak and E. Gizeli,
Pulse mode shear horizontal-surface acoustic wave (SH-SAW) system for liquid based sensing applications,
Biosens. Bioelectron. 19 (6) (2004) 627-632. View abstract

M.I. Newton, G. McHale and F. Martin,
Experimental study of Love wave devices with thick guiding layers,
Sens. Act. A-Phys. 109 (3) (2004) 180-185. View abstract

F. Martin, G. McHale and M.I. Newton,
Experimental study of Love wave sensor response by phase and group velocity measurement,
IEEE Sens. J. 4 (2) (2004) 216-220. View abstract

J.G. Ellis, G. McHale, G.L. Hayward and M. Thompson,
Contact angle-based predictive model for slip at the solid-liquid interface of a transverse-shear mode acoustic wave device,
J. Appl. Phys. 94 (9) (2003) 6201-6207. View postprint pdf

G. McHale,
Generalized concept of SH-APM and Love wave sensors,
Meas. Sci. Technol. (invited article) 14 (11) (2003) 1847-1853. View abstract

G. McHale, M.I. Newton and F. Martin,
Layer guided shear acoustic plate mode sensor,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 (13) (2003) 2181-2183. View abstract

G. McHale, M.I. Newton and F. Martin,
Theoretical mass, liquid and polymer sensitivity of acoustic wave sensors with viscoelastic guiding layers,
J. Appl. Phys. 93 (1) (2003) 675-690. View postprint pdf

G. McHale, F. Martin and M.I. Newton,
Mass sensitivity of acoustic wave devices from group and phase velocity measurements,
J. Appl. Phys. 92 (6) (2002) 3368-3373. View postprint pdf

K.A. Melzak, F. Martin, M.I. Newton, G. McHale and E. Gizeli,
Acoustic determination of polymer molecular weights and rotation times,
J. Polymer Sci. Pol. Phys. B 40 (14) (2002) 1490-1495. View abstract

M.I. Newton, G. McHale, F. Martin, E. Gizeli and K.A. Melzak,
Generalized Love waves,
Europhys. Lett. 58 (6) (2002) 818-822. View abstract

G. McHale, M.I. Newton and F. Martin,
Theoretical mass sensitivity of Love wave and layer guided acoustic plate mode sensors,
J. Appl. Phys. 91 (12) (2002) 9701-9710. View postprint pdf

G. McHale, M.I. Newton and F. Martin,
Layer guided shear horizontally polarized acoustic plate modes,
J. Appl. Phys. 91 (9) (2002) 5735-5744. View postprint pdf

G. McHale, M.I. Newton, F. Martin, K.A. Melzak and E. Gizeli,
Resonant conditions for Love wave guiding layer thickness,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (21) (2001) 3542-3543. View postprint pdf

M.I. Newton, G. McHale, F. Martin, E. Gizeli and K.A. Melzak,
Pulse mode operation of Love wave devices for biosensing applications,
Analyst 126 (12) (2001) 2107-2109. View abstract

M.I. Newton, F. Martin, K. Melzak, E. Gizeli and G. McHale,
Harmonic Love wave devices for biosensing applications,
Electron. Lett. 37 (6) (2001) 340-341. View abstract

G. McHale, M. I. Newton, M.K. Banerjee and J.A. Cowen,
Acoustic wave-liquid interactions,
Maters. Sci. Eng. C12 (1-2) (SI) (2000) 17-22. View abstract

G.McHale, R. Lucklum, M.I. Newton and J.A. Cowen,
Influence of viscoelasticity and interfacial slip on acoustic wave sensors,
J. Appl. Phys. 88 (12) (2000) 7304-7312. View postprint pdf

G. McHale, M.I. Newton, M.K. Banerjee and S.M. Rowan,
An acoustic technique for the monitoring of dynamic wetting behaviour,
J. Adhes. Sci. & Technol. 13 (12) (1999) 1471-1480.
(Also in: Drelich, J., Laskowski, JS. and Mittal, KL., eds., "Apparent and microscopic contact angles." Zeist, Netherlands: VSP, (2000) 487-496). View abstract

G. McHale, M.K. Banerjee, M.I. Newton and V.V. Krylov,
Surface acoustic wave resonances in the spreading of viscous fluids,
Phys. Rev. B59 (12) (1999) 8262-8270. View abstract

M.I. Newton, M.K. Banerjee, T.K.H. Starke, S.M. Rowan and G. McHale,
Surface acoustic wave-liquid drop interactions,
Sens. & Act. A76 (1-3) (1999) 91-94. View abstract

M.I. Newton, T.K.H. Starke, G. McHale, M.R. Willis and A. Krier,
Surface acoustic wave design for gas sensing applications,
Electron. Lett. 34 (17) (1998) 1706-1707. View abstract

M.I. Newton, G. McHale, and M.K. Banerjee,
Reflection of surface acoustic waves by localized fluids,
Appl. Phys. Letts. 71 (26) (1997) 3785-3786. View abstract

G. McHale, M.I. Newton, M.K. Banerjee and S.M. Rowan,
The interaction of surface acoustic waves with viscous fluids,
Faraday Discuss. 107 (107) (1997) 15-26. View abstract and free access article

M.I. Newton, G. McHale, S.M. Rowan and M. Banerjee,
A surface acoustic wave technique for the observation of dynamic wetting,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 28 (9) (1995) 1930-1936. View abstract